Welcome to the Special Olympics Summer Games 2018
Antigonish is eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Special Olympics athletes, their coaches, supporters and families.
The athletes and coaches will be housed on the St. Francis Xavier (StFX) campus and the majority of the athletic events will also take place on campus except for the softball and golf events.
There has been amazing community support with over one thousand volunteers. The events, except for the ticketed opening ceremony are open to the public at no charge. Come and view and cheer on the Special Olympics Athletes who are participating from all over Canada.
Several events have been planned to have the participants experience the hospitality and unique experiences of Antigonish and Nova Scotia.
Find out what’s going on at www.so2018.ca and you can also follow the events live on Bell Alliant. Details and links are on the Special Olympics 2018 website.
If you are tweeting and sharing on social media use the hashtag #so2018
While you are in the area enjoy exploring Antigonish and the surrounding areas.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Fish and Chips and a Drive? Ballantyne’s Cove
- Antigonish Art on Main – Summer 2018
- I Scream for Ice Cream
- Old Barn Gallery – Pomquet
- Cape George Lighthouse
- Antigonish Farmers Market
- Arisaig
- Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre
- Columbus Field, Antigonish
- Antigonish Heritage Museum
- Pomquet Beach
- The People’s Place
- Antigonish Landing